火, 24 1月 2017 14:12

mTeachers Training 2017 - 2018: Application Form

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Mindfulness Born Peace and Happiness:
A Way of Well-Being

Mindfulness Teachers (mTeachers) Training Program

Application Form – August 2017/July 2018




Mindfulness has been proven effective in building up concentration and alertness; reducing stress, anxiety, fear, and burn-out. It has been used to improve productivities in business, and as mind-body medicine in health care. However, mindfulness is more than those benefits. Right mindfulness can liberate us from craving, hatred and delusions. It is a practice to cultivate peace and happiness; and to transform pain and suffering. There is the need to practice and teach mindfulness in an authentic way, as originally practiced and taught by the Buddha – a wise and compassionate teacher - about 2600 years ago, and is being practiced in the Plum Village tradition. The training program conducted by Plum Village Mindfulness Academy (PVMA) hopes to address that need. The instructors are Buddhist monastics, whose daily activities integrate mindfulness practices into everything they do.

This is the second training program carried out by PVMA, and we would like to invite those who have the need to bring mindfulness into their professions, such as education, healthcare and social services professionals to participate in this program. The following are required during and after the time you participate with the program:

  1. Practice mindfulness daily. Mindfulness is mainly a practice, not only as a subject of studies or research. We think that it is impossible to get a taste of mindfulness and to teach mindfulness without being a mindfulness practitioner.
  1. Participate with a practicing group (Sangha). We need friends on the path to support and deepen our practice. We have local practicing groups that you can join, one in particular is the mTeachers Sangha, whose members are graduates of past mTeachers training programs.


l   Spaces are limited. Applicants will have a group interview with the program staff before being admitted to the training program.

l   Successfully application will be notified through email in June 2017.

Please fill in the form and send it back via email to venuspyw@mindfulnessacademy.org on or before June 15, 2017.


  Age: Gender







Professional education and qualification:

Have you taken the 5MT?   Yes ___ No: _____;
If yes, year and dharma name

Have you taken the 14MT?   Yes ___ No: _____;
If yes, year and dharma name



Please write you experience in mindfulness practices

Please write your aspirations in   taking this training program:

Please write about your specific works (either professional or volunteer works) that you are (or plan) to use the training for.

Read 1071846 times Last modified on 金, 07 4月 2017 16:22