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金, 29 5月 2015 01:22

Breathing In, Breathing Out

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Breathing In, Breathing Out


Breathing in, breathing out;

breathing in, breathing out.

I am blooming as a flower,

I am fresh as the dew.

I am solid as a mountain,

I am firm as the earth.

I am free.


Breathing in, breathing out;

breathing in, breathing out.

I am water, reflecting what is real, what is true.

And I feel there is space deep inside of me;

I am free, I am free, I am free.


日本語歌詞 (Breathing In, Breathing Out, Japanese)

息は 入り 息は 出てゆく

Iki wa Hai-ri, Iki wa Dete Yuku

わたしは花 こぼれる つゆの きらめき

Watashi wa Hana Koboreru, Tsuyu no Kirameki

わたしは山 ゆるがぬ大地 空を みてる

Watashi wa Yama, Yuruganu Daichi, Sora o Miteru



息は 入り 息は 出てゆく

Iki wa Hairi, Iki wa Dete Yuku

水面(みなも)に 映る 空の すべて

Minamo ni Utsuru, Sora no Subete

この胸の はるか 奥に ひろがる 世界

Kono Mune no, Haruka Okuni, Hiro-garu Sekai

じゆう じゆう じゆう

Jiyu-u Jiyu-u Jiyu-u



Read 129142 times Last modified on 金, 29 5月 2015 02:59
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