週日, 19 六月 2016 01:11

Be a good friend to our body

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Be a good friend to our body

Day oMindfulnes(one-day retreat)

for Health Care and Human Service Professional
from 9:30 to16:30 oSaturdayJuly 92016

aCentreon Behavioral Health,The University of HonKong

   June 6, 2016

Dear friends,

ou are invited to attend a Day of Mindfulness (DOMfor healthcarand humaservice professionalsco-organized by HKU Centre on BehavioraHealtand Plum Village Mindfulness Academy - Hong Kong. This DOM is part of our Healthy BodyHealthy Mind” Initiative to integrate mindfulness practices to the physicaand mental health fields.
The foundations of this initiativare the teachingand practices of Mindfulness based on the DiscourseoFull Awareness of Breathing (AnapanasatSuttaand the Discourse on thFour Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta), as taught by the Buddha about 2600 years ago. Walsstudied how the mind worksbased on thteachings of Manifestation - OnlPsychologywhicwasystematized in the 4tcentury by the Indian Buddhismonk and philosopheVasubandhu of the Yogacara BuddhisSchool. ZeMaster ThicNhaHanh has used these teaching to form the foundation for meditation practices to help us nourish our bodand mind, to develop insight and to help us transform pain and suffering into peace and happinessEven thougthe teachingare from Buddhist tradition, the practiceare non-sectariaand are open to peopleo fall faith. 
Peace is every Breath
For this DOM, we will learn how to be a good friend with our own body based on the first foundation of mindfulness, the contemplating the body in the body. The energy of Mindfulness will help us to be mindful of our in-breath and out-breath. Being aware of our breaths is to be aware of our body, which helps us to be aware of our feelings, perceptions, mental formation and consciousness. We can develop specific exercises to get in touch with our feelings, mental formations, and perceptions. Why is this important? Consider someone who suffers from performance anxiety. He can take the medication propanolol or to practice mindful breathing to calm down. However, this only takes care of the symptoms. We need to look deeply into the fear of not being accepted, of not being loved for not having a good performance.   Hence, the need to look into our feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness. 

In the day of mindfulness, we will learn the practice of going back to our breath, anchoring our mind `in the in-breath and out-breath. We become calm and clear when the mind and body are together in one place, with the help of our mindful breath. We will practice listening to the bell, walking meditation, eating meditation, exercise meditation (mindful movements), and relaxation meditation (total relaxation) … We practice to stop, to slowdown the thinking in our mind via bodily actions.

You can find more information about activities of past days of mindfulness at http://mindfulnessacademy.org/en/programs/health-care-dom

A sample program for thday omindfulnessis as follow:

9:30     Sitting and slow walking meditation (indoor)

10:30   Lecture

12:30   Lunch

13:30   Total relaxation

14:30   Group discussion

16:00   Walking meditation (outdoor).

16:30   Farewell


Centre on Behavioral Health

The University of HonKong

2/F, 5 Sassoon Road, PokfulamHK.



Fees: HKD200.00  (including vegetarian lunch antea)

How tregister : CBH-DOM-July-Registration-Form

Pleasfill in the registration form alonwith the cheque anmail to Centron Behavioral HealthHKU. Registration is on a first-come-first serve basis. There are only 60 spaces available. 

For more information, please contact us at Centre on Behavioral Health, email: bhealth@hku.hk; Tel: (852) 2831 5163

Map CBH New Address JPG 574x477

Read 237153 times Last modified on 週日, 19 六月 2016 01:19