Friday, 20 March 2015 14:11

Discourse on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone

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Discourse on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone


Bhaddekaratta Sutta,  Majjhima Nikaya, 131
Translated by Thich Nhat Hanh


I heard these words of the Buddha one time when the Lord was staying at the monastery in the Jeta Grove, in the town of Shravasti. He called all the monks to him and instructed them, “Bhikkhus!” And the bhikkhus replied, “We are here.” The Blessed One taught, “I will teach you what is meant by ‘knowing the better way to live alone.’ I will begin with an outline of the teaching, and then I will give a detailed explanation. Bhikkhus, please listen carefully.”
“Blessed One, we are listening.” The Buddha taught:

“Do not pursue the past.

Do not lose yourself in the future.

The past no longer is.

The future has not yet come.

Looking deeply at life as it is

 in the very here and now,

the practitioner dwells

in stability and freedom.

We must be diligent today.

To wait till tomorrow is too late.

Death comes unexpectedly.

How can we bargain with it?

The sage calls a person who knows

how to dwell in mindfulness

night and day

‘the one who knows

the better way to live alone.’

“Bhikkhus, what do we mean by ‘pursuing the past’? When someone considers the way his body was in the past, the way his feelings were in the past, the way his perceptions were in the past, the way his mental formations were in the past, the way his consciousness was in the past; when he considers these things and his mind is burdened by and attached to these things which belong to the past, then that person is pursuing the past.

“Bhikkhus, what is meant by ‘not pursuing the past’? When someone considers the way his body was in the past, the way his feelings were in the past, the way his perceptions were in the past, the way his mental formations were in the past, the way his consciousness was in the past; when he considers these things but his mind is neither enslaved by nor attached to these things which belong to the past, then that person is not pursuing the past.

“Bhikkhus, what is meant by ‘losing yourself in the future’? When someone considers the way his body will be in the future, the way his feelings will be in the future, the way his perceptions will be in the future, the way his mental formations will be in the future, the way his consciousness will be in the future; when he considers these things and his mind is burdened by and daydreaming about these things which belong to the future, then that person is losing himself in the future.

“Bhikkhus, what is meant by ‘not losing yourself in the future’? When someone considers the way his body will be in the future, the way his feelings will be in the future, the way his perceptions will be in the future, the way his mental formations will be in the future, the way his consciousness will be in the future; when he considers these things but his mind is not burdened by or daydreaming about these things which belong to the future, then he is not losing himself in the future.

“Bhikkhus, what is meant by ‘being swept away by the present’? When someone does not study or learn anything about the Awakened One, or the teachings of love and understanding, or the community that lives in harmony and awareness; when that person knows nothing about the noble teachers and their teachings, and does not practice these teachings, and thinks, ‘This body is myself; I am this body. These feelings are myself; I am these feelings. This perception is myself; I am this perception. This mental formation is myself; I am this mental formation. This consciousness is myself; I am this consciousness,’ then that person is being swept away by the present.

“Bhikkhus, what is meant by ‘not being swept away by the present’? When someone studies and learns about the Awakened One, the teachings of love and understanding, and the community that lives in harmony and awareness; when that person knows about noble teachers and their teachings, practices these teachings, and does not think, ‘This body is myself; I am this body. These feelings are myself; I am these feelings. This perception is myself; I am this perception. This mental formation is myself; I am this mental formation. This consciousness is myself; I am this consciousness,’ then that person is not being swept away by the present.

“Bhikkhus, I have presented the outline and the detailed explanation of knowing the better way to live alone.”

Thus the Buddha taught, and the bhikkhus were delighted to put his teachings into practice.

Read 7087156 times Last modified on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 20:09


  • Comment Link 誕生 日 画像 バイク Monday, 07 October 2024 14:07 posted by 誕生 日 画像 バイク

    ゴルゴにドクターZの狙撃を依頼後、教義に背いた自分を自らの手で裁く。 また、カムイに居る漢壁(かんぺき)という名前の答選坊は、「四足ノ白イ悪魔」の襲来に備えて経絡鬼孔を鍛えに鍛え上げた一族最強の答選坊であり、攻撃すると一度に8か所の経絡鬼孔が出現する。彼が大学卒業後の十数年間に於ける死物狂いの研究は、こうした良心の苛責を忘れたいという一念からではなかったか… 2005年(平成17年)から建設が始まった北海道新幹線は、青函トンネルとその前後の区間を在来線の貨物列車と共用するため、同区間では片道あたり新幹線・

  • Comment Link 全てお見通しだ Monday, 07 October 2024 14:05 posted by 全てお見通しだ

    5巻にて講演会をしているのをゲンがたまたま発見した形で再登場し、戦後は軍の倉庫などから盗みを働いたり、ヤクザと結託したりして悪事を行いながら闇市で資産を蓄え、更には商店会会長に就任したが、講演中にゲンを目にした際にはずっと死んでいたものと思っていた為に「お前生きていたのか」と言いながら驚き、過去の自身を唯一知っていたゲンの口から過去が明かされることを恐れて彼を追い出す。以後はゲンの依頼を引き受ける商店主として時折登場するが、ゲンが「人に甘えず自力で解決したい」と援助を断った際にはその気持ちを忘れないようにと激励した。 6巻では隆太が賭場荒らしの際の宿でヤクザや医師の倉田と共に賭博に興じる。

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